Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Maybe it's genetic. My Grampy loved the rain too, and never missed the chance to drive through puddles, wether it was on bike, tractor or truck. Or maybe having the name Misty predisposes me to liking the rain. Either way, I do like the rain. And puddles.

Today we had my most favorite kind of rain. Warm and straight down, not too hard, just steady. Almost lazy. Just right to leave drops hanging from leaves and bikes and toys forgotten. The whole of outdoors stood still. Quiet. The only sound was the rain. All the trees and plants seemingly heaved a collective sigh. Not a bird or bug was seen or heard.

I like plodding around in raincoat and rubber boots on days like today. Weaving my way around the newly washed world. Witnessing the toys lying wet in the grass, the hammer next to the not yet completed shed, the bird feeder hanging still for the first time in days. Everything is different and everything is the same. Everything stands still and listens.


wordswords said...

Lovely. I'd waited my whole life through childhood to own my very first pair of green rubber boots, like adults wear.

Rain on a tent fly. That's my favourite sound.

Misty said...

I always thought it was unfair that kids rubber boots were made too short. Up to my knees. That's how tall I wanted them.

Laser Pegs said...

Search for Model Tractors - The Tractor model comes with 30 Laser Pegs, three AA batteries, a power unit, and a manual

Sue said...

That photo is FANTASTIC.

NotSoSage said...

Wowza. Seriously lovely.