Saturday, August 7, 2010


This is Hobbes.  Ive told you about Hobbes before.  The incredibly easy to tease cat with many names.  But really can you blame us for teasing him when he allows pictures to be taken looking like this?  He is 11 years old and he hasn't really changed (his missing tail being the exception) since I brought him home.   He's independent, thinks dogs drool, a chronic napper and will try his luck asking other family members for supper after he's been fed.  He's also the softest thing I've ever touched.  Ever.  He's a great cat.  He's also my picture of the day.  (After he finished cleaning his junk in the front yard.)


Carol said...

I love tuxedo cats. They're always so laid back.

thordora said...

I love your kitty. :D

Wait...that sounded...odd. :D

One of the bigger reasons I want a GOOD camera is to be able to take reasonable pictures of the damn cats...

wordswords said...

All I can say is, the junk ain't gonna clean itself.

misty said...

I'll just add that I'm glad he does. :)